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When seventeen-year-old girl Luo Man discovers that she is pregnant, she asks her best friend Kiki to accompany her to complete an abortion in a illegal clinic, but because of the high cost of the operation, Luo Man puts Kiki in a debt of gratitude.

Zhang Ruqiao is an emerging filmmaker and have graduated at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Zhang Ruqiao received the Second Prize for Outstanding Graduation Project during her time at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, highlighting her exceptional skills and artistic vision. She was also shortlisted for the Special Recommendation Award at the Central Academy of Fine Arts Digital Image Festival.

Director Statement

The inspiration for my film ”Summer Past” roots from a real-life story shared by a close friend. It revolves around the tumultuous journey of a young girl, a tale of her coming-of-age amid the turbulent tides of life. Inevitably, life throws its share of challenges at us, and in order to move forward, each of us must pay a price - a price that often involves harsh lessons, growth, and maturation. These paths of growth are not always idyllic; they can be raw and, at times, downright brutal.Beyond this, the film also explores the unique challenges that young women may encounter in their lives. It delves into the complexities of their experiences and the particular obstacles they face, all while illuminating the profound bonds of friendship that can emerge amidst adversity.In terms of filmmaking techniques, I have chosen to use a 4:3 aspect ratio, along with intimate and shallow depth of field shots. These choices serve to focus the lens squarely on the emotional journey of our protagonist, Luo Man, and her evolving emotional landscape. The handheld camera work adds to the atmosphere of discomfort and unease, drawing the audience deeper into the narrative's complexities and struggles.As a filmmaker, I am committed to telling stories that shed light on the multifaceted facets of life, often challenging and always transformative. This film is a testament to the power of storytelling to illuminate the sometimes harsh, sometimes beautiful truths of our existence, and I am excited to bring it to life on the screen.

Zhang Ruqiao's directorial focus centers on contemporary social issues and narratives related to women.


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