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Transwomen face more difficulties in Latin America than in any other part of the world. In most of these countries, unchecked transphobia severely limits trans people’s access to education, employment, housing, and medical services. In Mexico, which has one of the highest murder rates of transwomen in the world, the prosecution of these crimes is regrettably uncommon. But despite these challenges, many transwomen live empowered lives; they live in truth and have found respect, acceptance, love, and fulfilling careers.This film is a story like no other. Focusing on a narrative of triumph and not trauma. How we go from victim to victorious. Trans people are powerful and resilient.

Based on true stories—written and recounted by the protagonists themselves—TransMexico is built around the incredible lives of these Latinas Transwomen.Our goal is to present their stories to a global audience, especially those who still struggle with who they are. We hope that TransMexico will let the world know that the female trans community in Mexico exists, is proud, and will remain so, even in the face of devastating adversity.

Claudia Sanchez, is a full-time LGBTQ activist and filmmaker based in Miami, Florida. Originally from Lima, Peru, Claudia emigrated to the United States at the age of 18 to study television production and broadcasting. After graduating she worked for several years for various broadcasting outlets and networks including, Telemundo and HBO, producing segments, live shows and news. She has dedicated the last six years of her life researching and living with the Trans Community in Latin America to create her directorial debut the documentary, TransMexico.

Claudia is currently working on a series that she will direct and produce to address the desperate social injustices facing working-class people around the world. Her goal is to utilize real-life stories of resilience and creativity to break social taboos and stigmas imposed by those who choose to ignore the very people without whose services they would not survive.



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